Brain fog, headaches, crashes

Foggy, dry, or cloudy thinking could be stress or Long Covid

Brain fog: Cognitive difficulties such as trouble concentrating, memory problems, or difficulty finding words.

Headaches: Frequent or persistent headaches, sometimes accompanied by migraines.

Crashes: The brain shuts off due to being overwhelmed by too many inputs. Recovery in a dark room lasts between 20 min to days, weeks.

Source: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry


  • Feeling mentally "fuzzy"

  • Inability to think clearly

  • Lack of mental clarity

  • Memory problems

  • Spacing out

  • Trouble concentrating

Treatments that have worked for other patients

  • Sleep, make sure to get 7-9 hours

  • No alcohol or drugs that can affect your brains need for sleep

  • Eliminate all sources of stress and rest, meditate in a dark room

  • Forest bath, get out in nature and meditate. No ear pods. Just silence.

  • Paced exercise 60% to ventilate the brain

  • Do yoga, stretching, craniosacral therapy to reactivate your body

  • Talk to a doctor to understand if there is a vitamin deficiency!

  • You must give your brain rest and time to recover. If you are experiencing chronic stress. Stop everything and go slow.

  • Take time for yourself.

Find out what has worked for others experiencing your symptoms.

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